49 research outputs found


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    Abstract. Clinical Pathways (CP) is a complex, multidisciplinary and integrated service planning concept based on the best clinical practice for a group of patients with a specific diagnosis in accordance with Evidence Based Medicine. CP is a disease management tool that is widely used in hospitals, a relatively new field in health services. Evaluation of CP after implementation is an important step to assess hospital management performance. The positive effect of the CPimplemention is to reduce medical costs, Length of Stay (LOS) significantly, and variations in services that are not needed; improve patient satisfaction and quality of care. The Effectiveness of CP will be maximized, if there are organizational support, commitment and compliance from the doctor to the implementation of CP in stroke management. The aim of this article was to analyze the commitment and perceptions of doctors on organizational support and the level of doctor’s compliance with the implementation of CP. This study uses a quantitative method, carried out inpatients unit ofprivate hospital in Indonesia,  with the data sample of 27 CPsinpatientswith Ischemic Stroke during 2018 and the respondents were 10 doctorswho provide medical care to inpatients with IS. Data collection using form instruments of CP ISto obtain LOS and complications; organizational support and commitment is obtained using a questionnaire. Data analysis with univariate analysis for descriptive statistics of each variable (commitment, organizational support, LOS, complications). The results of the statistical analysis showed that the doctor's commitment to the implementation of CP was 71.9%, the doctor's perception of organizational support in implementing CP was 67.67%; doctor's adherence to CP implementation based on the accuracy of LOS in IS cases without variants was 100%, based on the accuracy of laboratory examinations was 100%, based on the accuracy of radiological examination (head CT scan non contrast) was 91.3%. The average LOS was 3.93 days, maximum LOS: 8 days which is 1 patient. 4 patients with variants (complications). The cost of inpatient BPJS compared to INA CBGs rates is overcost of 33.3%.Keywords: Clinical Pathways, doctor’s compliance, commitment, organizational support


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    Tulisan ini membahas kestabilan titik equilibrium model dua pemangsa satu mangsa dengan mengunakan kriteria kestabilan Routh-Hurtwizt. Simbiosis komensalisme diasumsikan berlaku di antara dua pemangsa. Studi kepustakaan adalah metode yang digunakan dalam menghasilkan tulisan ini. Model dua pemangsa satu mangsa mempunyai dua titik equilibrium yaitutidak stabil danyang stabil lokal.AbstractThis paper discusses the stability of the equilibrium point of two predator one prey model using the Routh-Hurtwizt criteria. Commensalism symbiosis is assumed to apply to predators. The findings in this study resulted from a literature review.This model is known to have two equilibrium points, namely unstable and local stable

    Menentukan Topik Skripsi Mahasiswa Dengan Menggunakan Relasi Fuzzy Intuisionistik

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    One of the problems that often occurs is  the students cannot complete the thesis as expected. One of the factors that always occurs is that the students choose or determine the topic of their thesis that is not in accordance with their competence. He is more likely to choose supervisor.  This article is the result of research that aims to determine the suitability of a student's thesis topic according to their academic competence. The research was conducted on Unesa Mathematics students who are at the fourth year. The number of subjects are 35 students who were at the beginning of semester 7 and at that time were taking a mathematics seminar course. Seminar courses are the beginning of the preparation of their thesis. The method used is a modification of the "Medical Diagnostic" method in the health, which uses the application of the intuitionistic fuzzy relation concept. The results showed that there were 13 students or only 43.3% whose choice of thesis topic was in accordance with their competence, there were 17 students or 56.7% whose choice of thesis topic was not in accordance with their competencies

    Analysis of The Performance Determinants of The Alliance Strategy Empirical Study on Learning Guidance in DKI Jakarta

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    The alliance strategy is one solution to the speed of competition in the business or business world. Strategic alliances are cooperative strategies in the form of partnerships that help unify each party's strengths to mutually benefit in the form of benefits and long-term competitiveness in the market. The alliance's strategy can be assessed as successful or not by measuring the strategic alliance's performance because the most commonly used alliance measure is performance. Whether or not an alliance strategy adopted by a company is healthy is to evaluate its alliance strategy's implementation. This research was conducted using non-sampling or census methods as many as 132 (one hundred and thirty-two) branches in DKI Jakarta in one of the companies in the education sector originating from Japan and developing an alliance strategy in Indonesia. Data collection was carried out using a questionnaire and met with the owners or direct branch leaders. From this study, it is concluded that Goodwill trust, Competence Trust, and Tangible & Intangible Resources Sharing positively influence the performance of the alliance strategy. Also, Tangible & Intangible Resources Sharing as an intervening variable can mediate the relationship between Goodwill trust and Competence Trust on the alliance's strategy's performance

    Daftar Nilai Sejarah Kelas A

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    Berita Acara Menguji Ujian Sarjana Ganjil 2017/2018

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    Rubella is a common cause of childhood rash and fever. It is typically a mild infection but it can be serious condition in pregnant women, as it may cause Congenital Rubella Syndrome (CRS) in the fetus. The study aimed to model and analyze it in order to get picture about the dynamics of the rubella virus transmission. The paper discussed two models of rubella transmission involving child-bearing age women and newly born infants of infected mothers. The models are SEIR-IR without seasonality and SEIR-IR with seasonality. The results from the first model showed that a pitchfork bifurcation occurred in the dynamics of the solution of the system with constant infection rate and the increase of the infection rate value do not make impact to the incidence of rubella among infants. The second model involving seasonality gave interesting dynamics where big seasonality may lead to a more complex dynamics of the solution

    Pembangkitan Pola Simetri p2mm dari Simulasi Sistem Dinamik

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    Pola simetri p2mm adalah wallpaper group yang mempunyai simetri rotasi , refleksi terhadap sumbu-x dan sumbu-y, dan translasi terhadap sumbu-x dan sumbu-y. Dalam artikel ini, pola simetri p2mm berwarna dibangkitkan melalui sebuah simulasi sistem dinamik diskrit menggunakan aplikasi Matlab, dengan terlebih dahulu melakukan analisis terhadap syarat dan pemilihan pada fungsi dinamiknya. Dalam pembangkitan pola p2mm ini, setiap titik pada bidang dijadikan sebagai titik awal pada iterasi sistem dinamik diskrit, dan jumlah iterasi yang dihasilkan menentukan warna pada titik tersebut. Dengan menggunakan beberapa kombinasi nilai-nilai parameter pada fungsi dinamik, diperoleh variasi pola-pola p2mm yang menarik dan estetis


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    Penjadwalan diperlukan untuk merencanakan aktivitas yang akan dilakukan. Salah satu metode yang digunakan adalah graf fuzzy. Metode ini mempertimbangkan keterbatasan-keterbatasan sumber daya sehingga mempunyai penyelesaian yang fleksibel dalam menentukan jumlah interval waktu dalam penjadwalan. Dalam penelitian ini, ditemukan waktu total minimum penyelesaian 20 tugas pada satu mesin setara dengan menemukan jumlah kromatik fuzzy. Konsep menemukan jumlah kromatik fuzzy didapatkan dari k-pewarnaan fuzzy pada graf fuzzy atau disebut juga dengan bilangan kromatik berukuran “k”. Hasil yang diperoleh pada penelitian ini adalah 3-pewarnaan fuzzy yang mengakibatkan terbentuknya 3 jadwal pengerjaan tugas sehingga waktu total minimum penyelesaian 20 tugas adalah 18 jam.Kata Kunci: Graf fuzzy, bilangan kromatik, k-pewarnaan fuzzy, jumlah kromatik fuzz


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    Penelitian ini dilatar belakangi dari hasil observasi peneliti di SMK Negeri 1 Grati, yang mana kelas X TAV membutuhkan media pembelajaran yang memadai untuk praktikum pemrograman mikrokontroler. Hal tersebut menjadikan dasar bagi penulis untuk menentukan tujuan penelitian ini, yaitu menghasilkan sebuah media pembelajaran yang valid berupa trainer dan jobsheet mikrokontroller STM32. Penulis menggunakan metode pengembangan Researh and Development dengan hanya mengadopsi 6 tahapan saja yaitu yang pertama mengidentifikasi potensi dan masalah yang ada, kedua mengumpulkan data-data yang diperlukan selama penelitian,ketiga mendesain produk yang akan dibuat, keempat menvalidasi produk kepada para ahli, dan yang kelima merevisi atau memperbaiki produk jika ada kekurangan dan kesalahan, yang terakhir menganalisis dan dan membuat laporan lengkap tentang hasil penelitian tersebut. Syarat kelayakan dari produk yang dihasilkan ini hanya ditinjau dari hasil validasi. Berdasarkan validasi yang telah dilakukan penulis kepada 3 validator, tingkat kevalidan trainer mendapatkan hasil dengan kriteria sangat valid yaitu prosentase penilaian rata-rata sebesar 92,5% dengan rincian; dosen ahli 1 memberikan nilai validasi 85%, dosen ahli 2 memberikan nilai validasi 92,5% dan guru SMK memberikan nilai vaidasi 100%. Sedangkan tingkat kevalidan jobsheet mendapatkan hasil dengan kriteria sangat valid juga, yaitu prosentase penilaian rata-rata sebesar 91,6% dengan rincian; dosen ahli 1 memberikan nilai validasi 72,9%, dosen ahli 2 memberikan nilai validasi 85,4% dan guru SMK memberikan nilai vaidasi 95,8%. Dengan demikian, trainer dan jobsheet mikrokontroller STM32 ini dinyatakan valid dan dapat dilanjutkan ke penelitian selanjutnya untuk kemudian digunakan sebagai media praktikum mata pelajaran teknik mikrokontroller